March 15th, 2025
Consider the following Real Truth®s, which are relevant in understanding the eternal nature of a human being and the environment, i.e., the universe, in which all humans exist:
A. Your ETERNAL SELF was never created and cannot be destroyed. If one could explore the universe with a spaceship forever, the person would never reach the end of the universe, and would see (experience) only light from stars (suns) or a star’s light reflecting off of other forms of matter. This has always been the case, and will always be the case. Wherever there is light, there was, or is, or will be humans found there. There have ALWAYS been humans. There have ALWAYS been stars, planets, and galaxies, but there is ONLY ONE UNIVERSE—when this space is defined as a closed system. There are NO multiple universes, parallel universes, or anything else that cannot be seen, heard, smelled, tasted, or touched in the infinite universe in which we find ourselves, or in which one would find oneself, if one was traveling forever throughout the universe.
B. The individual self is the power, the ability, and the intelligence to control energy. This SELF is the ONLY God. This is the ability to control Elohimium. All thoughts are also energy and isolated to the closed system of the human brain. Any energy coming from the environment must pass through the physical body, as is experienced through the human senses. For example, if an advanced human has the right body (which would include the right brain), without making a sound, this person can emit energy from their brain directly into another person’s brain, but only if the person with whom they are communicating is an advanced human of similar nature. If communicating with a non-advanced human, the energy emitted from the advanced person’s brain will cause a vibration in this other person’s inner ear, producing the energy that is passed on to the person’s non-advanced brain and recognized as sound.
C. In essence, Elohimium is the universe. Only humans can control the energy (Elohimium) of which all things found in the universe are made. None of these things can be destroyed. The thing’s form can only be changed to create other forms, or is completely taken apart and reduced to the original state of the energy from which it was formed … back into being Elohimium.
D. All humans, like all matter, cannot be created nor destroyed.* The physical body that has a brain that allows for a conscious personal human experience, is either the same body that has always existed, or is created (or is chosen) by the free-willed choice of the person. For example, if you were to have chosen to do so, you could have stayed in the same body forever, never having any conscious experiences outside this body. However, in this body, the experiences become finite and limited to the potential and limitations of the chosen body and the environment in which it exists.
E. Your ETERNAL SELF cannot and does not have a new experience unless you choose to have a new experience. The choice is a benefit and a right guaranteed under the UNIVERSAL AND ETERNAL LAWS that allow and govern free will. Only humans are subjected to these laws, which make humans the greatest compendium of matter possible. Only humans, under these laws, can create other life forms, like plants and animals, as well as other human bodies.
F. In order to have a new personal experience, a human must connect to a new physical body and discard their current body.
G. A MORTAL life experience is not a free-willed, conscious choice that one makes. A mortal experience is involuntary and takes place in a person’s advanced, subconscious part of the brain. This chosen experience cannot and will not end, unless one of two following conditions are met:
- The person uses their free will to choose suicide and end their existence;
- *An OVERSEER ends their existence.
— Be prepared to further discuss the above disclosures of Real Truth® … Oh yeah, be ready for the APOCOLYPSE! :-) —