Lecture Schedule
The University of Real Truth®
and Eternal Intelligence
and Eternal Intelligence
No student who arrives later than five minutes before the start of the lecture will be allowed entry.
Email info@pearlpublishing.net with any questions about Zoom entry.
Meeting ID: 838 9703 7300
Passcode: 116312
February Schedule

Lectures are held weekly via the Zoom platform. Classes began on January 4, 2025 at 12:00 PM Mountain Time (USA). Each class lasts approximately two hours. To accommodate varying schedules, every class is being rebroadcast 11 hours later.
Due to the dense and rigorous nature of this course material, students are required to attend every lesson—either LIVE or via the rebroadcast session. Attendance is recorded, and no tardies or absences are tolerated. A student who misses even one lesson will forfeit their seat in the program and will not be allowed to return.
All URTEIL lectures are given using Zoom video conferencing software. (To download Zoom onto your device, visit this link.)
These LIVE shows are organized similarly to a live lecture in a classroom setting, and have the protocols set forth below. Please read carefully if you are a student of The University of Real Truth® and Eternal Intelligence.
- The Zoom meeting begins 30 minutes prior to the start of the scheduled URTEIL lecture.
- All those who are part of the class must be in attendance at least 5 minutes before the lecture begins. Students will be “seated” and no new attendees will be admitted after 5 minutes prior to the start of the lecture.
NOTE: No student who arrives later than five minutes before the start of a lecture will be allowed entry.
- Upon clicking the “Join on Zoom” button, each attendee will enter a waiting room. Producers will let you into the meeting. If you remain in the waiting room longer than 2-3 minutes, and you are on time, please send an email to: info@pearlpublishing.net.
- Everyone who attends must have their camera on, show their face, and use their real name.
Rebroadcast will start 11 hours after the sermon. Audience members can arrive 15 minutes prior to the rebroadcast. All the same rules above will still apply. Christopher will NOT be present. No live questions will be answered.
These Zoom meetings are protected by copyright and may not be recorded without explicit permission from Pearl Publishing. URTEIL lectures are available for viewing only during the scheduled time and will not be accessible otherwise.
Meeting ID: 838 9703 7300
Passcode: 116312
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Meeting ID: 838 9703 7300
Passcode: 116312
Find your local number: https://pearlpublishing-net.zoom.us/u/kd8fjaz08F