Without Disclosing
My True Identity
My True Identity
The Authorized and Official Biography of the Mormon Prophet, Joseph Smith, Jr.
By Christopher
Without Disclosing
My True Identity
The Authorized and Official Biography of the Mormon Prophet, Joseph Smith, Jr.
By Christopher
We wrote this book in an effort to persuade the members of the LDS/Mormon Church to consider things about Joseph Smith’s history that neither Mormon leaders nor Mormon critics know. This book is presented in religious terms. We hid some Real Truth®’s in this book. Using contemporary LDS/Mormon beliefs to explain many of the things that actually happened to Joseph Smith, we hoped we might help them understand the Real Truth® about his life.
In our endowment play, we present two different ideas concerning the mandate under which True Messengers operate among mortals. Joseph Smith never disclosed his true identity or told the Real Truth to his followers, as he was instructed by us not to do. We instructed Joseph not to disclose his true identity after the American Christians who previewed the original storyline of our Book of Mormon, rejected its original intent. Everything that Joseph Smith did in his life was done under our influence and direction, most of which caused the early Mormons to stumble exceedingly. (See BOM, Jacob 4:14.)